Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

  1. Gallery
  2. Page for Reception
  3. Reception- Spring term 2

Reception- Spring term 2

Topic: Heroes (real and super, people who help us)

Core books this term 

Drawing club vocabulary 

Superhero, destruction, courage, leaps, champion and mission. 


 By day, Eliot is a quiet boy who likes to read and play with his toys. But when the clock strikes midnight, Eliot is transformed into a superhero! Eliot has many powers such as an expert lion-tamer, swimming expert and helps multiple people including the queen. A fantastically fast-paced adventure story written by Alex T. Smith. 

Drawing club vocabulary 

Superhero, destruction, courage, leaps, champion and mission. 


 By day, Eliot is a quiet boy who likes to read and play with his toys. But when the clock strikes midnight, Eliot is transformed into a superhero! Eliot has many powers such as an expert lion-tamer, swimming expert and helps multiple people including the queen. A fantastically fast-paced adventure story written by Alex T. Smith. 

A taste of some of the activities the children have explored in our provision...

Coming soon....