Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

  1. About Us
  2. Our Church School
  3. Collective Worship

Collective Worship

Collective worship at Newbold Church School is at the heart of our school, signalling the life, energy and Christian spirit of the school.


Worship is also a ‘time to breathe’; a time when all can come together to find a space, silence and stillness to reflect upon our own spirituality, values and place in the world. Collective worship is a significant, valued and sacred time in the life of Newbold Church School.


Our worship is led by many different groups of people or individuals. Children help to lead acts of weekly worship.


Collective worship gives the whole school community the opportunity to:

Engage in an act of community.

Express praise and thanksgiving to God.

Reflect on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ through Biblical texts.

Affirm Christian values and attitudes.

Celebrate special times in the Christian calendar.

Experience and respond to Anglican traditions and practices.

Explore the big questions of life and respond to national events.

Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness.

Be still and reflect.


Click here to read the Newbold Church School Collective Worship Policy

Collective Worship - Pupil evaluations

On a weekly basis, the staff work with the children to complete an evaluation of one  collective worship they have attended.  These are collated on a half termly basis, and used to help support planning for upcoming collective worship.  The results from Summer 1 evaluations show that: 


Q4. How would you rate the Words of Welcome ? (5 = high, 1 = low)

Response : 4.88 average rating


Q7 Was there time for reflection?

Response : Yes = 75%  ,  No = 13%,   Maybe = 12%


Q9 The message helped me to think more about my own behaviour (5= Yes, 1 = No)

Response : 4.88 average rating


Q10. The collective worship today had a purpose and impacted on me (5 = Yes, 1 = No)

Response : 4.75 average rating


Q11 I enjoyed the collective worship today (5 = Yes, 1 = No)

Response : 4.63 average rating


Q12 Do you believe Collective Worship is a good use of school time?

Response : Yes = 88%, Maybe = 12%,  No = 0%


Q13 Why?



"Because you get to reflect on everything that you have heard and you can hear new bible stories. We can also do lots of interesting stuff in the collective worship. In addition, we get the opportunity to learn about how Christians have lived in the past and how it can impact our lives today."


"It teaches us about how to deal with challenging situations and teaches us about God. It allows us time to reflect on our own actions."


"Time to be with other classes. We get to sing sometimes which we like. We learn things that we wouldn't learn in lessons."


"We got to talk about truthfulness and listen to what children in other classes had to say too. It makes us think about how truthful we are. It's important to worship, it's what we do at our school."



Updated February 2025