What does a session look like?
Individual Sessions
The ELSA will plan their sessions for your child very carefully. The session consists of several parts:
Emotional check in
This is an opportunity for your child to talk about their feelings.
Main Activity
The ELSA will plan the activity to a learning objective. Something your child will be able to do at the end of the sessions that they cannot do at the start. This is usually an 'I can' statement such as 'I can tell you about my strengths'. The ELSA will encourage your child to tell you about their talents or personal characteristics such as being 'kind', 'caring', 'helpful' or 'brave'. The child will then make something to reinforce those strengths.
Your child will be taught a relaxation exercise to help get them ready to go back to class. At the end of the session your child will be able to answer the question 'What are your strengths'.
Updated October 2024
Group Sessions
The ELSA will plan their sessions for your child very carefully. The session consists of several parts, the first two parts consist of a circle-time where children take turns to speak.
Emotional check in
This is an opportunity for your child to talk about their feelings.
Warm Up Activity
A fun game or activity to help relax your child before their main activity.
Main Activity
This is similar to the individual sessions but your child will be encouraged to work with other children. This helps with cooperation, social skills, friendships and gives a sense of belonging. A learning objective will be set for the group of children which they will all be able to answer at the end of the session.
Your child will be taught a relaxation exercise to help get them ready to go back to class.