Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

  1. About Us
  2. Our Church School
  3. Courageous Advocates
  4. Social Action Projects
  5. Year 3 social action project

Orangutan Appeal UK

Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre

KEY FACTS Population Trend: Decreasing ↓ IUCN Status: Endangered up to 104,700 individuals left in the wild

Established in 1964, Sepilok was the first center in the world to dedicate itself to the rehabilitation of orangutans. 

The center's primary mission is to rehabilitate and provide a safe haven for orphaned and injured orangutans, one of the world's most endangered primates. Orangutan Appeal UK has been actively supporting the center since 2001, ensuring its continued success in rescuing, rehabilitating and conserving orangutans.


This year, the Year 3 children have decided to support this charity to help make a difference to these intelligent and beautiful animals by raising enough money to adopt an orangutan.

During our English unit based on the Greenpeace film and text, 'There's a Rang-Tan in my bedroom,' we learnt so much about these incredible creatures and the challenges they face, mainly due to the action's of humans.

By adopting an orangutan, we will be directly contributing to the preservation of a critically endangered species.

Our adoption, which lasts for one year, offers a unique opportunity to connect with these remarkable animals. We'll receive photos and insights into our adopted orangutan's life, and get to know their individual personality and the challenges they face.


In order to raise money for their chosen charity they have decided to hold a silent auction for their art work at the end of the Spring half term. During parent's evenings, we aim to display our finished pieces to allow the children's adults to, 'silently bid' for their children's art, by placing a donation of their choosing into a blank envelope to be left in the honesty box on the table. All art will then be sent home at the end of the term. All money raised will be put towards our adoption of one of these amazing animal.

To find out more about the charity, please click on the following link - Welcome to Orangutan Appeal UK | Orangutan Appeal UK