National Curriculum
The National curriculum states on page four the legal requirement that:
'Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based, and which:
● promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils; and
● prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
All state schools ... must teach religious education ... All schools must publish their curriculum by subject and academic year online'.
Please note - there is not a National Curriculum for RE. At Newbold Church School we use 'Kapow Primary Curriculum for Religion and World Views' on which to base our teaching.
How does Kapow Primary help our school to meet the statutory guidance for RE?
* Kapow follows the Curriculum Framework for RE
Because the Kapow scheme of work fulfils the requirements of the Curriculum Framework, upon which many SACRE’s build their Locally Agreed Syllabus (LAS), then by following the Kapow RE curriculum, our school is also meeting the requirements laid out in our LAS.
* Our Kapow Curriculum reflects the principal religions in Great Britain.
In line with government guidance and Census 2021 information, the Kapow curriculum reflects that the UK’s religious tradition is, in the main, Christian, with each year group having at least one unit specifically focusing on Christian
concepts, beliefs and practices and these being linked to and contrasted with other religions and worldviews across the thematic units. The scheme also covers the principle organised worldviews represented in Great Britain.
Planning also encourages teachers to include locally presented religions where possible and includes non-religious worldviews.
Knowledge and skills developed through our RE curriculum -
- Responding to life's 'big questions'
- Understanding key religious concepts
- Building substantive knowledge
- Developing disciplinary skills
- Contributing to informed discussions
- Exploring diversity