Key Stage 1 (Y1 and Y2) - All pupils are taught to...
- Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching
- Developing agility, balance and coordination and applying these to a range of different activities
- Take part in team games and being introduced to simple tactics such as attacking and defending
- Perform dance using simple movements and patterns
KS1 Qualitas / NCS Dance progression
KS1 Qualitas / NCS Athletics progression
Y1 Athletics Knowledge Organiser
Y2 Athletics Knowledge Organiser
KS1 Qualitas / NCS Fundamentals progression
KS1 Qualitas / NCS Gymnastics progression
Key Stage 2 - All pupils are taught to...
- Use running, jumping, throwing and catching in a variety of different scenarios
- Play competitive games and apply tactical principles such as attacking and defending
- Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
- Perform dance using a range of movements and patterns
- Take part in outdoor/challenging activities both individually and in teams
KS2 Qualitas / NCS Dance progression
KS2 Qualitas / NCS Athletics progression
Year 3 Athletics Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 Athletics Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Athletics Knowledge Organiser
Year 6 Athletics Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Qualitas / NCS Games progression
KS2 Qualitas / NCS Gymnastics progression
KS2 Qualitas / NCS Outdoor and Adventurous progression
Swimming and Water Safety - All Year 4/5 pupils are taught to...
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m
- Use a range of strokes effectively e.g. front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly)
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water based scenarios
It is compulsory for Year 5 and Year 4 children to attend 10 Swimming sessions weekly in order to achieve their National Curriculum badge. Swimming lessons to be provided by teaching staff and Qualitas coaches.
KS2 Qualitas / NCS Swimming programme
KS2 Qualitas / NCS Learn to Swim Framework
Updated November 2024