Maths in KS1 and KS2
Maths in Y1 - Y6
Here at Newbold Church of England Primary School (NCS), we have the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics’ (NCETM’s) definition of mastery as part of our longer whole school aim. We share the ethos that through a whole class approach, whilst some of our children will spend longer on particular mathematical concepts (through interventions e.g. pre-teach, SOS time, post-teach), others will reach a deeper level of understanding.
‘Mastering maths means pupils acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adoptable understanding of the subject. The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the best elements of classroom practise and school organisation that combine to give pupils the best chances of mastering maths. Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable pupils to move onto more advanced material’. (NCETM)
White Rose Maths at Newbold Church of England Primary School
We firmly believe the teaching of Mathematics in our school is strengthening each year. NCS follow the White Rose Maths Mastery Scheme from EYFS to Year 6 and these materials have historically proven to be very successful at our school. All lessons are carefully planned and sequenced and aim to build on all forms of prior learning. All children are regularly exposed to problem solving activities and this demands they use logical reasoning to explore and explain concepts daily. Using a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach throughout school, our children develop a deep and sustainable understanding of mathematics. Children are encouraged daily to work collaboratively to help them make sense of these problems and concepts.
Our Mathematics lessons
Mathematics lessons at NCS have a clear structure and are sequenced so every mathematical concept is deeply secured. Pupils begin each lesson with daily arithmetic starters to support fluency. These starters have had a big impact on our children as through revisiting prior knowledge whether it be from the previous year of a previous topic, mathematical fluency skills are being embedded each day. Our daily arithmetic starters are also a very useful assessment tool for teachers which helps lessons be planned and sequenced to the needs of our children.
Once the daily starters are completed and the learning objective has been shared, the children begin working through the clear structure of the lesson which White Rose Maths enables them to do. Collaborative learning is central to this process as the children are encouraged to work together to explore new concepts and reason/explain their findings. Visual representations and practical equipment are used to support their learning as teaching staff continue to challenge the children through questioning.
All pupils are given the chance to work independently as they move on to work in their own NCS books. Children regularly receive feedback from staff and view the process of unpicking misconceptions as a real opportunity to make a difference and positively impact our children’s learning development. With this ethos in the forefront of our minds, the children understand and accept that making mistakes is a normal and beneficial aspect of learning. At the end of each lesson, pupils are given a reasoning/problem solving style question which demands they respond to a question based on that lesson’s learning objective.
EYFS maths scheme of learning:
Y1 maths scheme of learning:
Y2 maths scheme of learning:
Y3 maths scheme of learning:
Y4 maths scheme of learning:
Y5 maths scheme of learning:
Y6 maths scheme of learning:
Cross-curricular opportunities
Maths is an integral part of the whole curriculum at Newbold Church of England Primary School (NCS). Teachers are always identifying opportunities to factor mathematics into the wide curriculum offered as we see it as imperative children are given the chance to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills in different contexts. Teachers plan and sequence mathematics into all lessons, whether that be Science, History or even PE. It is desired that through stretching the boundaries of mathematics across the whole curriculum, the subject becomes real and meaningful to our children.
Times Tables Rockstars
The teaching of Times Tables is central to a wide range of mathematical concepts, hence why it is given such a high status in our school. Years 1-6 use the ‘Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) resource to help increase both the accuracy and speed of their times tables. Each child has their individual log in and we have weekly battles between classes to see which class can be the most successful. TTRS is something which really engages our children and it has a hugely positive impact.
Mathletics is a new tool which Years 1-6 use in a variety of different ways. Each week, our children are set a differentiated online homework activity which consists of working through a lesson to understand and reinforce mathematical concepts and then a chance to work independently and apply what they have learnt. Teachers are able to view how the children have performed on Mathletics and can unpick misconceptions which is something that proves to be incredibly useful. Each year group hosts a Maths homework club too which children can attend in the school day should they wish.