Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

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Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

Nurture, Cherish, Succeed

  1. About Us
  2. Curriculum
  3. English
  4. Writing



We aim to prepare and equip children with the writing skills they need to become confident, independent writers and bring enjoyment into writing to inspire them. Through a balanced and broad curriculum, we intend to provide regular opportunities for children to write from different perspectives, e.g. to write as a historian. We want to ensure that all children, regardless of background and experiences, are provided with the scaffolding support and tools that they need to succeed.

Our writing is underpinned by the standards of reading in our school, which supports vocabulary and the understanding of conventions and structures of a range of text genres. Writing also builds on the development of accuracy in spelling and developing a progressive understanding of grammar and punctuation, which ensures that children can clearly, accurately and coherently explain their understanding and ideas. Our approach to writing is creative and inclusive and we believe enjoyment should be at the centre of teaching the subject. All classes undertake writing for a range of audiences and purpose.


  • Grammar and punctuation is taught both explicitly and implicitly within English lessons.
  • Children are encouraged to use their knowledge of texts to write for a variety of purposes such as: explanations, instructions, reports, balanced arguments, stories and poems. They learn to plan, draft, revise, edit and present their work, before evaluating the success of their writing.
  • From Nursery, our children are introduced to letter and as they progress through school, the children are encouraged to write in a neat, legible style using a cursive script (from Y2 onwards). Click here to view our handwriting policy.
  • Drama and speaking and listening are an integral part of our curriculum in order to encourage self-confidence, imagination and empathy. It is used collaboratively alongside other subjects to engage pupils actively in a topic and develop a deeper understanding.
  • All children have the opportunity to look at a range of genres and develop their skill set in writing. Each year, a new genre is introduced to the children as well as the chance to revisit previously taught ones. Our intention is to build on the children's repertoire year on year and to allow them to become more confident writers who are able to write in a range of styles and for varied audiences. 


By the end of KS1 children can;

  • Apply their phonics knowledge by using strategies taught in Phonics lessons.
  • Write independently, sequencing sentences.
  • Write simple coherent narratives.


By the end of KS2 children can;

  • Write effectively for a range of audiences and purposes, selecting appropriate language and form.
  • Use a range of punctuation, tenses and dialogue in their writing effectively.
  • Use grammar and vocabulary efficiently to suit the needs of the writing.
  • Develop speed and fluency when writing in cursive script.